No daily entry for last Friday and late today! What’s my world coming to? As for this morning, I was busy doing the left dishes from Sunday and with a paper stroll and coffee it was soon lunch time at eleven am. In the aft I first needed to make a committed start with my lawyer papers that I want to complete this week.
So, here I am after supper at my Toshiba keyboard ready to report on a week’s worth of activity. Saturday Feb 3 was very cold, but did get out for a paper. I worked some on my essay’s ‘Narrative’ and started a process of conscious reconciliation towards my late parents. On Sunday the attendance started with me, but two more were added later. Not a big group, but the weather kept some home. In the aft I called my sister Tieneke and later on Michelle stopped by for a chat.
On Monday I did the laundry in the morning and met with Jack at one pm at Purple Perk this time. We had much to catch up on and explored our life time message in the sense of what we have learned and would like to pass on. Jack still has a message for the CEO-s of today, while I am working on formulating ‘An Amalgam World Belief’, no lack of ambition here!On Tuesday it was Safeway shopping with two trips to the store using my handy-dandy little two wheeler pull cart from IKEA. It just takes two full carry bags per trip, one trip at am with one at pm. And I got to the end of draft1 on the Narrative of my World View essay.
Coffee with John on Wednesday, a noon hour visit to Knox United through much snow and low temps, followed by some more essay work. On Thursday Elizabeth and I forewent her Canmore trip on account of the snow and cold. I continued working on my essay, correcting grammar, spelling and rephrasing here and there.Last Friday and Saturday I worked on my Narrative essay chapter again. This time I had to retrieve some long forgotten HTML techniques needed to facilitate navigation of such a long document - 10k-words, for the reader. I divided this long chapter into five subchapters, each with three or more sections for navigation purposes. I also smoothed the styling I bit and completed the reference section. The only thing left is to add some cross links from the text to my other web category where ever I reference those in the essay text.
Last weekend I addressed the need to add power to my message relating to my World Belief chapter of the World View essay. It is one thing to have a well composed argument, but quite an other to have one that motivates to action! One thing at a time!
That was quite a set up to get ready, but it worked all out well and credit to Gabriella to liven up her presentation for all of us.
On Sunday I chaired our Sunday group meeting for Gabriella, who talked on “Love is here to Stay” which involved my own RCA digital recorder, Herman’s tape recorder and a fancy audio visual display. The latter had been arranged by Gabriella with the Palliser Hotel to show the Mormon Tabernacle Choir perform Van Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’, with all of us singing along too yet! That was quite a set up to get ready, but it worked all out well and credit to Gabriella to liven up her presentation for all of us.
Today I did what I mentioned above and have talked to my friend Shirley as well who is doing well and planning to be home tomorrow. Later tonight I will cruise the internet, do the dishes, work on my essay some maybe and watch the news at ten pm.
<7:53pm and 8:08 with edit~